
As a financial co-operative, Hoot is based on the principles of the International Cooperative Alliance that are also adopted by the World Council of Credit Unions. Our members are our owners and we recognise that the strength of our credit union depends on the strength and quality of the relationship we have with our members.

Hoot is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Firm Reference Number is 400120. You can check our details on the Financial Services Register.

Credit Unions in Great Britain are set up under the Credit Unions Act 1979 and the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (formerly the Industrial & Provident Societies Act 1965). Our mutuals registration number is IP00716C . We are members of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and we subscribe to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Financial Information

Financial information, including Annual Accounts, is prepared for the benefit of our members, and our auditors report to the members-only, in accordance with the Credit Union Act 1979. Our financial year-end is on 30th September each year.

Read our Annual Report…


Board of Directors

The Board of directors is made up of elected members of the credit union and determines the future direction of the credit union on behalf of the members. It plans targets and regularly evaluates progress towards achieving these targets.

All Directors are volunteers. Although directors do not receive any payment for their services to the credit union, reasonable travel expenses will be paid. The Hoot Board has a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 11 directors elected by the membership by the members at the Annual General Meeting, normally for a term of three years. If you are interested in seeking nomination for the board you should read this information and complete a nomination form. The dates for nominations are included in the AGM notice each year.

Request more information about the Hoot board…

Rules of Membership

As a co-operative Hoot operates under a Rule Book which is approved by members at a General Meeting. Once changes are approved by members then a new Rule Book is registered with the Financial Services Authority under their responsibilities for Mutual Societies.

Read our Rule Book…


Annual General Meetings

Each year Hoot holds an AGM to present the Annual Report and Accounts, elect directors of the board and make any changes to rules as deemed necessary.

The AGM is an opportunity for members to see how the credit union is doing and to ask any questions they may have to the Board of Directors and CEO.

Members receive notice of the AGM between 14 and 30 days before the date of the meeting.